

This website was created in close cooperation with Christoph Portmann from Score Marketing in Stäfa and Damiano Rezzonico from New Media Design. It is updated regularly by Barbara Willen.

Exclusive usage rights

The intellectual owner of all content, texts and the BarbarasSimpleLife logo is Barbara Willen, Tiny Lakeside Home, Skaulo 94, 98204 Skaulo, Sweden


All pages on website including texts, photos, images and source texts are the exclusive right of use of Barbara Willen or the respective rights holder. The images are either the property of Barbara Willen or have been lawfully acquired. Downloading the content of the pages, photos or images, as well as source texts and database content, is subject to copyright and is not permitted.


The links are made with the kind permission of the website operator. Barbaras Simple Life assumes no liability for the content of these pages. All information on this website has been compiled with great care, but no guarantee can be given for the correctness of the information and figures.