Simple Life on TrailBarbara Willen2021-10-16T01:24:36+00:00
on the trail

In my simple adventure life on trail I experience minimalism more than anywhere else. Throw an eye into my hiking adventures and follow me on my ultralight thru-hiking and outdoor adventures. Outdoor life is for me living a simple life at its most.

Limited space and weigh restriction reduce the possessions in life on trail and meet minimalism. Well-chosen equipment with several tasks is the main key in outdoor life.

To live days, weeks and month with such pieces during my outdoor adventures gives me a special touch to them. They are important for the achievement of the trail and cause problems if left behind or broken. Taking care of my outfit in my adventure life satisfies and fills me. I need and love every single piece.

Basic needs like warmth, sleep, food and drink are at for most people in endless amounts available at home. We consume them without conscious and in overflow. Humans cheat themselves on the satisfying and conforming feeling of live maintenance. Demands of materialism, career, personal progress and other success awake.

In adventure life and in the life on trail such useless wishes are non-existent. Warmth, sleep, food and drink become essential in outdoor life. These needs are the most important practical matters. I meet them on all my adventures and nature tours. A happy and a deep, satisfying feeling of life occurs.

Cozumel, Mexico – the stop over on my way to the CDT Trail

May 2nd, 2021|

Cozumel, Mexico - As a european, I am forced to spend 14 days outside of a european country before entering the usa. What was supposed to be a mandatory stopover on the way to my cdt hike turned out to be an unforgettable experience.  Unexpectedly, I got to know the warmth of mexican hospitality up close during my 2 weeks. My airbnb hosts become good friends within a very short time. Traditional mexican kitchen and getting to know their culture enriches my evenings.  I was always fascinated by the ancient culture of the maya. So of course I was delighted to find a modern day maya in the abuelo (grandfather) of the family. I will not be able to resist his invitation to join him on a jungle hunt after my return from the cdt trail. I used the days to complete my distance study and slowly get my body acclimatized to the warmth. A hard task for a winter person like me at 30-35 degrees and highest humidity. In the middle of the day and with as little water as possible, I set off for my walks. But now the time has come that I can hardly hold on any longer. I just want to start hiking. I still have to wait a few days. on monday i need to get the covid test, wednesday i fly to the usa and on friday 7th may finally hit the cdt trail at the southern terminus in the mexican border.

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